Ways to Give

The Advancement Office can provide you with information about each option and its benefits, and which would best meet your needs and objectives.

Gifts to the school can be made as a one-time gift or pledged over a number of years – depending on the size of the gift and its purpose. In addition, we encourage our donors to consider instalment schedules that might allow them to make larger gifts over time. Gifts may be made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or on a specific schedule identified by the donor.

Please read below to learn more about each method of giving:

List of 11 items.

  • By Mail

    Please mail your cheque, payable to the "Veritas Fund", to The Advancement Office, ÌÒÑÕÃÛÉ«, 95 ch. de la Côte Saint-Antoine, Westmount, QC, Canada H3Y 2H8
  • By Telephone

    Call Sounithtra Vongsaphay, Annual Giving Manager, at 514-931-9481 ext. 2294 to donate over the phone using Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
  • Commemorative Gifts

    Consider giving a gift to thank or honour someone special or commemorate a milestone in your life. Some ideas:
    •a current or retired teacher, coach, or staff member
    •a Class Anniversary - ex. 10, 20, 50-year celebrations
    •a donation in honour of a family member's birthday

    You will receive a charitable tax receipt and an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the honouree. Both of you will have the pleasure of knowing that your gift is supporting ÌÒÑÕÃÛÉ«.

    Donations can also be made In Memory of a loved one or friend.
  • For US & UK Residents

    We are pleased to partner with (Friends of Independent Schools & Better Education). Donors contribute to FRISBE and FRISBE mails the donor a receipt, which can be used to substantiate a tax deduction for a charitable contribution on the donor’s IRS tax return.

    Donations (minimum $1.00) can be made by cheque, credit card, stocks/securities and gifts in kind. FRISBE notifies Selwyn House of the donation and a thank you letter is sent to the donor from the Selwyn House Advancement Office.

    It is imperative that your name, address, school name SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL - VERITAS FUND, and name of fund where you are directing your contribution are included with your donation.

    View the complete list of funds here
    If no fund is listed, your donation will be directed to ÌÒÑÕÃÛÉ«Priorities.

    Please include the above information on your cheque, or, if paying by credit card, in the “Write a Note” of the FRISBE online giving form.

    1. . Type SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL - VERITAS FUND and the designated fund in the note section.

    2. Donate by Cheque:
    Send your cheque to the address below. 
    117 E Louisa St #533 Seattle, WA 98102-3279
    Tel: +1 (360) 757-9497

    3. Donations of Stocks/Securities/Wire Transfers:
    Email FRISBE to request their financial institution's wire transfer or stock transfer instructions.

    Friends of Independent Schools (FRISBE) is a registered non-profit corporation in the USA. Federal Tax No 91-1216755.

    Tax receipts can be issued through to donors who are residents in the UK, and to donors who are residents in the USA. The minimum donation is $500.
    Please contact Sharon Cozens, Director of Advancement, for more information at +1 (514) 931-9481 x 2269.
  • Gifts of Securities / Wire Transfers

    Gifts of appreciated securities are exempt from the taxation of capital gains. Donors are not taxed on the capital gains accrued on securities such as public company shares, bonds, mutual fund units and employee stock options, when donated to a registered charity such as the Veritas Fund.
    Please contact Sharon Cozens, Director of Advancement, for more information at 514-931-9481 x 2269 on how to make this transaction or to further discuss how this type of donation may be beneficial to you.
  • In Person

    Donations by cheque or cash may be left with our receptionist during regular business hours. Feel free to call ahead if you wish to speak to Sounithtra Vongsaphay, Annual Giving Manager, when you visit.  514-931-9481 ext. 2294.
  • Wills

    Portals to Knowledge – Pathways to Truth 
    A way to give more 
    Making the school the beneficiary of a gift in your will is a simple means of making a larger gift than would be possible during your lifetime. It has no impact on your current assets, cash flow or your lifestyle. It can also reduce, or even eliminate, the tax burden on your beneficiaries, since your estate will receive a tax receipt for your gift. There are other ways to leave a legacy such as making us beneficiary of a life insurance policy or, in most provinces, the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your RRSP/RRIF or TFSA. 
    For more information on these kinds of gifts, or to let us know if you have already made a legacy gift to SHS, please contact Sharon Cozens, Director of Advancement at 514-931-9481 x 2269 or email her at cozenss@selwyn.ca.

    Our goal is to have 70 legacy donors to celebrate the next 70 years of the Old Boys’ Association. 
  • Matching Gifts

    You may be able to double the impact of your gift! Please speak to your Human Resources Department to confirm if your company matches donations made by employees and obtain the necessary forms.
  • Online

    Click on the Annual Campaign button above to give via Visa, MasterCard or American Express using our secure, online donation form.
  • Tax Receipts

    ÌÒÑÕÃÛÉ« is a non-profit organization. Canadian tax receipts are issued for all donations as per Revenue Canada guidelines. Charitable # 11977 2440 RR0001 (Veritas Fund) and #10796 6749 RR0001 (Selwyn House Association).

    US and UK residents can receive a receipt for tax purposes through FRISBE, CAF America Donor Fund or CAF UK Donor Fund. Read more in the US and UK Residents section above.
  • Third Party Giving

    Donating via other fundraisers can benefit ÌÒÑÕÃÛÉ« as well (ex. via Facebook, CanadaHelps, United Way). Please be sure to let us know of your gift so we can recognize you appropriately. 

    Please read the group's giving policies carefully as fees may apply that may decrease the amount of your intended gift.