The Path Forward Campaign

Path Forward Campaign Donation Form

Online Donation Form

  • Pledge Form / Letter of Intent

    To donate by cheque or make a long-term pledge, or give a gift of securities or Flow Through Shares, please use this Pledge Form. Credit card donations can be made online. 
Note: It is important to maintain our Annual Giving program which supports special needs and enhancements at the school, in addition to endowment. If you choose to make your donation to an endowed fund (indicated by an *), please be advised 80% of your gift will benefit the endowment fund you select, and 20% of your gift will be directed to the Annual Fund.

If you prefer not to make an 80/20 split, please note 100% in the comment box and we will direct the full amount to the endowment fund you have selected.

Contact Sharon Cozens, Director of Advancement, at 514-931-9481 x 2269 cozenss@selwyn.ca or Mélissa Gagné, Major Gifts Manager, at 514-931-9481 x 2230 gagnem@selwyn.ca.